Home Parties
Types of Home Parties
- Invite people to purchase your jewelry accessories in your home.
- Have someone else invite people to their home (or to an online party), where your jewelry accessories are displayed. This person is known as the hostess and, by being so, they are eligible to receive free pieces of jewelry (aka Hostess Rewards).
Bag Parties
Bag parties are an great way to sell your jewelry accessories outside of your home. You can sell from a bag, basket, or box. A useful way you could use them is to keep one in your car to show/sell to someone interested whenever you're out and about.
For example, if you talk to someone of what you do while you're at the grocery store, doctor's office, picking your kids up from school, at your kid's sports game, a neighborhood or friends or family BBQ, etc.
This is why it's always important to wear your jewelry, so it's an easy conversation starter for those around you that you didn't know were interested customers.
You can even give your basket of jewelry to someone you know. They will be able to sell your jewelry and collect the money for you while receiving Hostess Rewards! (Click here for more info on Hostess Rewards)
For example, if you talk to someone of what you do while you're at the grocery store, doctor's office, picking your kids up from school, at your kid's sports game, a neighborhood or friends or family BBQ, etc.
This is why it's always important to wear your jewelry, so it's an easy conversation starter for those around you that you didn't know were interested customers.
You can even give your basket of jewelry to someone you know. They will be able to sell your jewelry and collect the money for you while receiving Hostess Rewards! (Click here for more info on Hostess Rewards)
How Do Paparazzi Hostess Rewards Work?
When you place an order, Paparazzi helps you “pay” your hostesses by giving you 10% of your sales order in free product. For example, for every 20 PV (10 items at $2.75) you will receive 1 Hostess Reward (10% back in hostess rewards). Refer to the image below for more examples.
Paparazzi gives these Hostess Rewards back to you, so it doesn’t take away from your 45% sales profit. It is requirement, as a Consultant, to give your hostesses 10% of the party sales in free product.
- P&P 6.8: "All Consultants are obligated to offer a 10% credit to the Hostess for the retail sales generated at their hosted party - preferably to be selected out of the inventory at the party. Hostesses of online parties will choose from current online inventory before the party is closed. The credit amount is determined from Retail Sales (not profit), and is exchanged for Retail Price ($5 USD)."