Are you enrolled in direct deposit?
Avoid service fees and receive your monthly commissions the day they’re paid out (approximately the 20th of each month) by enrolling in direct deposit. To verify your direct deposit information or to enroll, log into your Back Office and click on “My Profile” from the drop-down menu in the upper right-hand side of the screen. From the menu on the left, click on “Change Payment Info.” Select “Direct Deposit” from the Bonus Payout Method menu and then enter the required information.
When building your Paparazzi business, you will inevitably encounter people who will reject you. There will be people who don’t have time to invest. There will be those who think the concept of direct sales is a big scam. And there will be people – often family members and close friends – who will tell you that your plan for success is nothing but a pipedream.
Take a deep breath and remember the SWSWSWSW attitude, presented by the inspiring Tiffany Peterson during our 2016 convention, That MOMENT... Some Will. Some Won’t. So What! Someone’s Waiting. There is an old sales adage that suggest that your gauge of success should be based on the number of “no’s” you receive in a day. In speaking with a higher number of people, not only will you hear more no’s, you’ll also hear more yeses. Remember that many times a “no” turns into a “not right now” as circumstances change down the line. Showing people that you are continuing to build a successful team and business while having fun will keep that door open. They can then approach you comfortably when the time is right for them. It is not your job to convince people that Paparazzi is for them. Only they can make that decision. The SWSWSWSW attitude applies to those who are already on your team, too! There will be Consultants who are hungry for success and willing to do anything it takes to make their business grow. By contrast, you’ll also have team members who will tell you they’re in it to win it, but then cancel appointments, avoid phone calls, and fill you with excuses. Just remember: Some Will. Some Won’t. So What! Someone’s Waiting. Focus your time and energy on people who are as excited about Paparazzi as you areand people who inspire you to continue to grow. Just because people have negative things to say about what you’re doing, does not mean you need to listen to them! SWSWSWSW! online return requests
Even with the multiple rigorous quality checks along the way, occasionally, a defective, irreparable piece of jewelry makes its way to your front door. This results in a need to initiate a return request, which, until now, would require contacting Paparazzi Support by phone. But not anymore! You can now submit your request to return a damaged item online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! You can even submit a request right from your phone! The best part is, in most cases, you won’t even need to ship the damaged product back to Paparazzi before receiving a credit! While this new process is quick and easy, it’s important to note that erroneous returns will not be approved and excessive returns may result in disciplinary action, up to and including account termination. This new process is not an open invitation to return a piece of jewelry that can easily be fixed with the Jewelry Tool Kit you’ve been provided. A return should only be requested if the item falls under the manufacturer defects outlined in thePolicies and Procedures. Here’s how it works: Step 1: From your order history, select the order on which the damaged item was purchased. Please note, the online return process does not change the return policy in place, which permits a return within three days of receipt of the product. Only orders that qualify for a return request will have the option to initiate one online. Step 2: Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on the button that says, “Return an item from this order,” then confirm the order number from the dropdown menu. Step 3: Select each item you need to return, and adjust quantities if applicable. Step 4: For each selected item, you will need to provide a reason for the return and a photo of the damaged accessory, that shows the original tag. Multiple images may be uploaded for each item if necessary (maximum of three images per item). Please ensure the damage is clearly visible and the photo uploaded matches the item selected. Step 5: After providing the necessary images and explanations for each item you are submitting for return consideration, check the box to confirm your agreement to remove the damaged item(s) from your inventory once your return request is approved. Step 6: Click the “Submit Return” button at the bottom of the screen. Upon submission, you will receive an email notification with your RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) number. Your return request will be reviewed by our Returns Department within five business days. If your return is approved, you will be notified by email and a credit will be placed on your account. In most cases, you will not need to ship the damaged item(s) back to us. If our team requires additional information regarding your request, you’ll receive an email from them. You can track the process of your pending returns anytime, by clicking on “My Returns” from your account profile. Here’s a quick video tutorial on how the online return request feature works: Frequently Asked Questions Q: Can I return damaged Hostess Rewards via the online return request form? A: Absolutely! Just select the Hostess Reward from the list of items on the original order and provide the same information you would for a regular accessory. This is the same process you’ll use for anything sold in a pack (i.e. Fashion Fix or Starter Kits) Q: I am missing an item from my order, what do I do? A: Missing items cannot be submitted via the online return process. If you are missing an item from your order, please contact Paparazzi Support at (855) 697-2727 within three business days of receiving your shipment. Q: Do I need to ship my damaged items back to Paparazzi? A: Probably not. Once a return request is approved, you will be notified by email and a credit will be placed on your Paparazzi account, without you having to send the damaged item back to us. If our Returns Department is unable to approve or reject your request based on the information you provided, you may be asked to ship the product back. Q: Will submitting a return affect my PV (Personal Volume)? A: Yes. Just like with our old return process, any time a return is completed, the PV associated with the returned items will be retracted from the Consultant’s account. For example, if a Consultant returned two standard $5 accessories, a total of 4 PV (2 PV per item) would be retracted from their PV totals for the month in which the return is completed. Q: How long do I have to submit a return online? A: A return request must be initiated within three days of your order being delivered. Orders that fall outside of this three-day window will not be eligible for return. Please note that is not a change in policy. The same return policy is now just being applied to the online process. Q: Can my customers use the online return process? A: No. At this time, the online return process is available exclusively to Paparazzi Consultants. We all know the feeling well: time seems to stand still between the time you submit your order and the moment that gorgeous pink box of bling shows up on your doorstep. You are not alone! Did you know that you can follow your order all the way from our warehouse to your front door? Everything you need is within a click of your mouse within your Back Office.
Click here to watch a quick training on how to track your order with the Paparazzi Dorks! And don’t forget to check out the rest of their video archives. You can learn how to update your Fashion Fix information, run reports to see which team members have advanced in rank, how to close a party in your Back Office and so much more! To see all of the Back Office training videos hosted by the Paparazzi Dorks, check out |
The Three Pillars of a Strong... 10 Tips for Using Jewelry Tote Account Maintenance Reminder Party Tips From The Top Turning Habits into Consistent... Direct Deposit With Paparazzi SWSWSWSW Attitude Online Returns How to Track an Order Archives |